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MuhanIT Gets 1st Grade In GS Certification 'AiMAPS 3DMAPPER v1.0', Drone Mapping and Photogrammetry Software

마스터 2024-02-01 Number of views 14,672

MuhanIT announced on the 1st that the drone mapping and photogrammetry software "AiMAPS 3DMAPPER v1.0" has acquired the first grade of GS certification among domestic image processing software.

GS certification is a national quality certification system in which TTA evaluates software based on ISO/IEC 25023, 25041, and 25051 international standards. It is a software quality certificate that tests/tests and grants the functionality, reliability, efficiency, usability, maintenance, portability, performance, interoperability, interoperability, and suitability of software, and the first grade obtained by MuhanIT is the highest grade given by GS certification.

"Drone mapping and photogrammetry software AiMAPS 3DMAPPER v1.0" features functions necessary for intelligent spatial information services from drone data collection, data conversion, and data analysis on one platform. Image data acquired through drone control can be automatically converted into 2D orthogonal images and 3D modeling.



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