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마스터 2024-11-20 Number of views 529

- MuhanIT 'AI Road Paving Status Evaluation and Management Solution'

- Gwangju City's 'AI Solution Development Support Project' is a great help

- On the back of Sangmu Boulevard...Systematic maintenance and management

"We were able to identify improvements in equipment in the process of demonstrating the AI road pavement condition evaluation management system by installing it in Sangmu-daero and Mujin-daero, and we were able to combine the needs of the market to create more improved outcomes."

Bae Kyung-rok, CEO of Muhan IT, who started his business in Seoul in 2015, is currently setting up a branch in Gwangju's Bitgreen Industrial Complex and providing intelligent spatial information services with about 60 employees.

Muhan IT Co., Ltd., a company specializing in intelligent spatial information, has mainly developed business systems for road management and disaster management by combining AI with GIS (Geographic Information System). The representative technology, "AI Road pavement condition evaluation and management solution," is a system that scans the entire road to automatically analyze the section that needs road pavement and predicts how it will actually deteriorate. It has the advantage of being able to systematically repair problems such as cracks and potholes caused by road aging, and scanning the entire road.

CEO Bae explained that the Seoul Metropolitan Government and Gyeonggi-do Province use similar equipment, and developed a system that can manage road pavement conditions with low-cost equipment to compensate for the difficulty of using it in the provinces due to enormous costs, such as the mobilization of about 1 billion won of expensive equipment.

He said, "I participated in Gwangju City's 'Urban Problem Solving AI Solution Development Support Project' as an AI road pavement condition evaluation management system," adding, "It was very helpful to be able to grasp the needs of the market through demonstration and to grasp improvements."


[Original Article]

▶ Blog https://blog.naver.com/muhan_it/223667346758 

▶ MDIlbo https://mdilbo.com/detail/DDAuq0/734645 

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