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Participation in the exhibition of MuhanIT <2024 K-GEO Festa> (November 6, 2024 to November 8, 2024)

마스터 2024-11-08 Number of views 484

Here is the news that MuhanIT participated in "2024 K-GEO FESTA" for three days from Wednesday, November 6.

The 2024 K-GEO Festa, which marks its 16th anniversary this year, featured exhibitions, conferences, and side programs under the theme of the latest technology and convergence technology trends in "Geospatial Information," the core infrastructure of the digital platform government.

The exhibition organized an exhibition booth jointly with BODA Co., Ltd. and at the convergence conference of the "2024 Korea-Japan Spatial Information Forum", which is one of the major events, MuhanIT's CEO Bae,Kyungrok presented the theme of "Expression of Building Image Analysis Services Using Photogrammetry Technology and Computer Vision Technology."

▶ Read More https://blog.naver.com/muhan_it/223652413085