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MuhanIT has obtained the first grade of 'AiMAPS 3DMAPPER v1.0' GS certification! (Drone mapping and photogrammetry software)

마스터 2024-01-31 Number of views 12,207

MuhanIT gets first grade in 'AiMAPS 3DMAPPER v1.0' GS certification

MuhanIT's AiMAPS 3DMAPPER v1.0) is the first image processing software in Korea to receive the first grade in GS certification on January 8.

GS certification is a software quality certificate granted by the Korea Information and Communication Technology Association (TTA) by testing/testing the functionality, reliability, efficiency, usability, maintenance, portability, performance, interoperability, interoperability and suitability of SW based on ISO international standards. The first grade obtained by Infinite Information Technology is the highest grade awarded by GS certification.

- Name of Company : MUHANIT Co., Ltd.

- Name of Software : AiMAPS 3DMAPPER v1.0

- Certification Level : Level 1 *Level 1 is higher than Level 2

- Certification No. : 24-0013

- Date of Certification : January 8th, 2024

▶ 블로그에서 자세히 보기   https://blog.naver.com/muhan_it/223339683680