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MuhanIT 'Development of Digital Safety Leading Model in 2024' Project Award News

마스터 2024-04-04 Number of views 4,626

We would like to inform you of the order received for Muhan IT's "2024 Digital Safety Leading Model Development" project.

MuhanIT has been selected as the first priority for the "2024 Digital Safety Leading Model Development" contest organized by the Information and Communication Industry Promotion Agency (NIPA) and has completed the conclusion of an agreement to promote the project.

Business overview

- Task Name: Development of a real-time smart safety control platform to prevent human accidents in roof construction based on AIoT and Cloud

- Project implementation agency: Supervision_Muhan IT Co., Ltd., Participation_HULAN Co., Ltd

- Total project cost: 1,000,000,000 (KRW)

- Support Task: Safety of roof construction workers

- Digital convergence technology: AI image reading, 2D/3D image processing automation, IoT application, cloud-based control platform

- Digital Safety Model: Real-time Smart Safety Control Platform for Prevention of Human Accident in AIoT and Cloud-based Roof Construction

- Demanding institution (company): Korea Safety and Health Agency

More information is available on the Muhan IT blog below

▶ Blog : https://blog.naver.com/muhan_it/223405248942